Presence of Soda Drink Brands in Digital Media Across the Western Balkan Region

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We present you with data from the research conducted by Pikasa Analytics for the period of 01-31.05.2022, regarding the activities and presence of soda drink brands in digital media in countries from the Western Balkan region (N. Macedonia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

The research consists of the monitoring of posts and texts in digital media in the region and the detection of mentions of soda brands, both in media announcements and on social networks. Besides measuring the volume of posts, the research also includes measuring the number of reactions and engagements from the audience (likes, comments and shares) on posts that mention soda brands.

The following map shows the TOP 3 SODA BRANDS that were active in May in the 6 countries of the region, according to the Average Number of Audience Reactions on a post or text in digital media or on social networks.

On the map, we can see that in Serbia, but also regionally, “Cockta” is a leading brand according to the average number of audience reactions, with an average of 538 reactions per post. Next on the list is “Fanta” which has an average of 247 reactions from the Serbian audience as of May 2022.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina in May, according to the average audience reactions, “Sinalco” dominates, with 212 reactions per post, ahead of “Sprite” and “Fanta” with only 79 and 45 average reactions per post, respectively.

According to the same parameter, in N. Macedonia, “Gazoza” is at the top with 165 reactions, ahead of “Cockta” with 108 and “Mirinda” with 49 audience reactions on posts and statuses where these brands are present.

In Albania in May, “Coca-Cola” dominates with an average of 73 engagements from the audience, while “Pepsi” is in second place with 26 reactions per post, unlike Kosovo where “Pepsi” is in first place with 68, while “Fanta” and “Coca-Cola” have 24 and 22 reactions on average, respectively.

Montenegro has the lowest audience engagement in the region, ranging from 28 reactions to posts mentioning “Coca-Cola”, an average of 20 reactions to “Sinalco” and 15 reactions to posts and texts mentioning “Pepsi”.


June 29, 2022

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